Welcome to our online women’s storyboard

Our online story platform is an opportunity for women returners to share their unique stories with communities of other women, a story of challenges, tears and despair and triumph against the odds.

Making a difference in the 21st century

You can make a difference to other women's journey back into 21st century workforce. If interested in sharing your story with our audience of women struggling with the unsurmountable challenges of returning to the workplace. You may wonder why sharing your story is so important, we feel sharing lived experiences can help other women feel more validated and giving opportunities to make more sense of their own challenges by knowing they are not alone.

Lisa story

Your Description Eos movet legimus euripidis ea. Cu eos minim aeque interpretaris, vel te eirmod dissentiet, homero utroque ut mea.

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Louise story

Your Description Eos movet legimus euripidis ea. Cu eos minim aeque interpretaris, vel te eirmod dissentiet, homero utroque ut mea.

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Kerry story

Your Description Eos movet legimus euripidis ea. Cu eos minim aeque interpretaris, vel te eirmod dissentiet, homero utroque ut mea.

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