
Ideas to Entrepreneurship

Are You a Woman Entrepreneur?

Growing numbers of women returners are braving the potential uncertainty of entrepreneurship, with many ideas growing out of hobbies and interests, many setting up from the kitchen table or the home office. Does this sound familiar?

What Type of Woman Are You?

Are you an ideas woman or a woman entrepreneur? Having a great idea may not be the full makings of a great entrepreneur. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to have the capacity to think outside the box and grab opportunities at every turn, you need to embrace the challenge of ‘what if’ when it just isn’t working out how you imagined.

The Work Life Balance

Women are often said to be wired to have the capacity to balance many different aspects of their life. Setting up your own business is considered by many to make sense to living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Future Intentions Yorkshire

We are looking to the future with opportunities for women returners to explore the potential of their entrepreneurial ideas. Join us in 2022 with other likeminded women who are thinking about setting up their own business.

Facing Challenges?

If you struggle with poor health and wellbeing, maybe setting up your own venture can be a step closer to living the life you want. It can offer greater flexibility to choose your own hours, holidays and lifestyle, for many a workable solution that helps women to feel much more empowered in having the control to decide for oneself how you will navigate the challenges of poor health and wellbeing. This pathway is not for faint hearted, it’s very hard work, often lonely and frustrating. The rewards far outweigh the negatives. Future Intentions Yorkshire is on the journey to help women make it a reality in 2022 and beyond

Living Proof

I am living proof that hard work, tenacity and dedication to your dreams really do come true. From one women returner to many!

Join us in 2022… the year about YOU!

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